
ACLP Corporate and Non-Profit Organization Membership

ACLP offers both corporate and non-profit organization membership. Pricing is based on annual operating budget in order to accommodate all sizes of for-profit companies and non-profit organizations that engage with ACLP. Non-profit organization membership is available to non-profit organizations with verified 501(c)3 status. Other non-profit designations will be considered on a case-by-case basis. All corporate and organization memberships are subject to ACLP approval.* ACLP also offers six individual membership categories.

If you have any questions about membership or would like to apply for a corporate or non-profit organization membership, please contact the Association of Child Life Professionals at 1-800-252-4515 or


Benefits of Corporate and Non-Profit Organization Membership include:

  • Special recognition for member organizations that exhibit at the Child Life Annual Conference
  • 5% discount on exhibit hall booth and priority booth placement through the members-only pre-sale (beginning with the 2021 conference)
  • Free Child Life Marketplace listing
  • 5% discount on advertising and mailing lists
  • Member discount on any purchases in the Child Life Store
  • Ability to send up to 3 non-ACLP members to conference at the member rate (beginning with the 2021 Child Life Annual Conference)
  • A complimentary report of aggregated national data about child life programs from the Child Life Professional Data Center (CLPDC)
  • Annual Child Life Supporter badge to broadcast your support of child life to your customers

Child Life Supporter Badge


Read more about the benefits of corporate and non-profit organization membership here.

Child Life Marketplace

Increase your visibility in the child life community with a steady presence in the new Child Life Marketplace. You may include any or all of the following information in your listing: a leaderboard ad, organization name, description, link to website, email and/or phone contact info, promo code for special offers, and a comment section for feedback from customers.

You may choose your location by category: Arts & Crafts and Memory Making Supplies, Books, Camps, Education & Training, Environmental Design & Playroom Equipment, Non-Profit Services for Children & Families, Tech Products & Services, and Toys, Distraction Aids, & Medical Teaching Materials.

Become an ACLP member and be part of the Child Life Marketplace! 


"The child life
folks are
our 'tribe'...
We have met
the most
amazing people
at these gatherings!"

- 2019 Child Life Annual Conference Exhibitor Survey


Corporate Pricing

Annual Operating Budget Price 
<$500,000 revenue  $399 per year
$500,000-$2,500,000 revenue  $599 per year
$2,500,000+ revenue  $799 per year

Non-Profit Pricing

Annual Operating Budget Price 
<$500,000 revenue  $299 per year
$500,000-$2,500,000 revenue  $499 per year
$2,500,000+ revenue  $699 per year


QUESTION: I joined as a corporate member, but I already purchased a booth for the 2020 conference. Can I get partial refund on my booth fees?

ANSWER: Member pricing for exhibit booths will begin with the 2021 Child Life Annual Conference. Member pricing is not available for the 2020 Child Life Annual Conference.

QUESTION: I am a Certified Child Life Specialist working for a company/non-profit organization that is eligible for a corporate/non-profit organizational membership. My company/non-profit organization isn't interested in membership at this time, but I would still like to be part of ACLP. Can I join as an individual member?

ANSWER: You may join as a Professional member, but you cannot promote your company on the member forums. Please review the forum guidelines carefully. 

QUESTION: I work at a company that is eligible for a corporate membership, but my company isn't interested in a corporate membership at this time. I'm not a Certified Child Life Specialist, but I would still like to be part of ACLP. Can I join as an individual professional member?

ANSWER: You may join as an individual member at the Associate level, but you cannot promote your company on the member forums. Please review the forum guidelines carefully. 

*ACLP's Membership Policy

Companies and organizations whose products, services, operations, or public image are inconsistent with the principles and practices outlined in the Child Life Profession Code of Ethical Responsibility are ineligible for ACLP corporate and non-profit membership at the discretion of ACLP staff. Inconsistent principles and practices may include, but are not limited to:

  • Organizations that discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or physical or mental disability.
  • Organizations with explicit religious affiliation and/or missionary objectives if the relationship requires or implies endorsement of a specific religion or introduces any ambiguity that there is such an endorsement.
  • Any organization whose primary product is the manufacture of weapons, alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.
  • Organizations involved in pornography, exploitative and/or corrupt practices.
  • Political action groups or campaigns.

