Rule 201: A CCLS shall not reveal or use, without written consent, any personally identifiable information except and to the extent that disclosure or use is reasonably necessary to: (a) Comply with legal requirements or legal process; or (b) Defend the CCLS against charges of wrongdoing; or (c) Defend the CCLS in connection with a civil dispute between the CCLS and the individual.
Rule 202: A CCLS shall maintain the same standards of confidentiality to employers and employees as to individuals.
Rule 301: A CCLS shall use the designation in compliance with the current policies of the Commission, as established and amended.
Rule 302: A CCLS shall show respect for other businesses, professionals, and related occupational groups by engaging in fair and honorable competitive practices.
Rule 303: A CCLS who has knowledge that another CCLS has committed a violation of this Code shall promptly notify the Ethics Committee. A violation would be any act that raises substantial questions as to another CCLS’ integrity, competence, or business practices. For the purposes of this Rule, knowledge means no substantial doubt.
Rule 304: A CCLS who has knowledge that raises a substantial question of legally actionable, unprofessional, fraudulent, or illegal conduct by a CCLS shall promptly inform the appropriate regulatory body if appropriate, as well as the Ethics Committee. For purposes of this Rule, knowledge means no substantial doubt.
Rule 305: In all professional activities, a CCLS shall perform services in accordance with: (a) Applicable laws, rules, and regulations of governmental and other applicable authorities; and (b) Applicable rules, regulations, and other established policies of the Commission.
Rule 306: CCLSs shall not engage in any conduct that reflects adversely on their integrity or business practices.
Rule 307: A CCLS shall always act in the best interest of individuals, serving the overarching requirement to protect the public.
Rule 401: A CCLS shall, in rendering services, disclose all material information relevant to the professional relationship, including but not limited to conflict(s) of interest(s), address, telephone number, certification status, and qualifications.
Rule 402: A CCLS shall not, during the course of rendering professional services, engage in conduct that involves dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation, or knowingly make a false or misleading statement to a patient, employer, employee, professional colleague, governmental or other regulatory body or official, or any other person or entity.
Rule 403: A CCLS is prohibited from the unauthorized or misleading use of the CCLS designation. If the CCLS renewal date has passed and the CCLS has not fulfilled requirements to maintain certification, the CCLS designation may not be used until the CCLS meets all current requirements. Additionally, CCLSs are prohibited from using the CCLS designation to represent their organization as specialists in a particular business service, or from using the designation in any way to mislead individuals about their expertise or breadth of experience.
Rule 404: A CCLS shall not discriminate against others based on, but not limited to, gender, race, age, religion, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, or other protected class.